When you have to make an insurance claim on your home policy or your business policy insurers and the loss adjusters that they appoint to protect their interest will expect you to formulate your claim and present it to them before they advise whether they are going to settle the claim or deny cover. You soon find yourself asking where do I get help with my insurance claim.
When you have an incident such as a fire or a flood which gives rise to an insurance claim your insurance company will normally appoint a loss adjuster to inspect the damage and handle the claim.
However in the absence particular insurance claims knowledge or related expertise it is very difficult to put the claim together. While your insurance claims department or their loss adjuster tend to be quiet forthright in pointing out where policy cover does not apply should you claim under the wrong policy heading or for areas of damage which they feel aren’t covered, usually it will be left up to you to discover the damage and estimate its extent. It is a little less usual to receive a call from your insurance company to point out areas that you have not claimed for. Therefore it is essential that you get all of the help that you can with your insurance claim. Therefor engaging a Loss Assessor is essential but help can also be
- Builder/Plumber/Carpenter/trades people
- Insurance Broker – Your Broker will be on your side and wants to see you get a fair resolution to your claim.
- Engineers/Surveyors
- In very specialist claims such as subsidence engineers may be necessary.
However while the above will help your Loss Assessor is essential to tie all of the strands together and coordinate your claims experience.
The link below may help if you have you ever wondered “is the Loss Adjuster appointed by my insurance company there to help with my insurance claim?”
Premium Claims Consultants can be contacted on 061 311266 or info@premiumclaims.ie