Insurance Loss Assessor – Premium Claims Consultants
As a leading Loss Assessor Premium Claims Consultants working with you the policyholder to ensure that you get the best settlement to your property insurance claim whether you are located in Dublin, Limerick, Clare, Kerry, Tipperary, Galway or any other location in Ireland. We provide a professional, independent Claims Loss Assessing and Insurance Claims Consultancy Service to the public and will take the stress out of handling your insurance claim whether the damage is to your home, rented property or your claim is a commercial insurance claim or through your management company block policy.
Loss Assessor Role
Loss Assessors have a vital role in the Claims process acting as the principal advisor to the policyholder.
All Insurance claims are unique but claims involving your home or commercial property are even more diverse. To make the claim process as straightforward as possible our Loss Assessor will normally do the following for you:
Carry out an initial Inspection of the damage.
• Report the claim to your Insurance Company.
• Advise on what contractors or experts might be required. Example, Oil Remediation Experts or Specialist Fire Cleaning Contractors.
• Attend when your Insurance Company Loss Adjuster inspects the damage.
• Prepare Claim Submission to the Insurance Company Loss Adjuster.
• Deal with all communications and negotiations with the Loss adjuster.
Our Loss Assessors will always work to ensure that you get the best possible settlement to your insurance claim.
For more information see What is a Loss Assessor?
Loss Assessor
Loss Assessor
Premium Claims Consultants will ensure that you get the best advice regarding your property insurance claim making sure that it is properly dealt with and you are fully compensated for your loss within the terms of your policy. Wherever in Ireland you are located your Premium Claims Consultants Loss Assessor will be happy to help. Follow the link What is a Loss Assessor? to help understand the role and how we can help with your insurance claim.
Personal Service
Comprehensive Service
Premium Claim’s Consultants will work directly with you making sure that your property insurance claim is presented in the best manner. Whether your claim is under your home policy or under your commercial policy we will deal with all the paperwork making the process as seamless as possible and helping you negotiate the best settlement. Whatever the cause is fire, escape of water or oil damage you are assured of our dedicated service.
Property Insurance Claims
All types of Claims throughout Ireland
Whether it is damage due to fire, flood, storm, leaking pipes or plumbing, burglary, escape of oil or any other insured peril that you need to claim for, we will help you to deal with the paperwork and restore your home or commercial property as quickly as possible. Should any policy cover issues arise your loss assessor will seek to deal with them so the result in in your favour
Claims under Commercial Insurance Policies, Home Insurance Policies, Farm Insurance Policies and Claims under Property Owners Policies all present their own unique challenges which your Premium Claims Consultants will be delighted to navigate for you in any part of Ireland.