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Limerick Loss Assessor

Premium Claims Consultants will ensure that you get the best advice regarding  your property insurance claim making sure that it is properly dealt with and you are fully compensated for your loss within the terms of your policy

Personal Service

Your dedicated Limerick Loss Assessor Premium Claim’s Consultants will work directly with you making sure that your property insurance claim is presented in the best manner. Whether your claim is under your home  policy or under your commercial policy we will deal  with all the paperwork making the process as seamless as possible and helping you negotiate the  best settlement.

All types of Claims

Whether it is fire, flood, storm, burglary or escape of oil that you need to claim for, our experts can help you to deal with all of the paperwork and restore your home or commercial property as quickly as possible.

If you suffer damage or loss to your property, buildings, contents, fixtures and fittings or stock contact us immediately and we will take care of the rest.

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