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Domestic Oil Leak Insurance Claims

Domestic oil leaks and oil spills  are often a hidden hazard for the homeowner and can cause damage that may not become apparent  for some time after the initial oil leak. Oil leaks from oil tanks, a leaking oil burner or oil line are more common than you might think and often go undetected for a protracted period allowing the oil plume to spread causing contamination  over a wide area  often finding its way into buildings or their foundations.  Off course oil spills can sometimes  unfortunately occur for instance during oil delivery with unfortunate consequences.

Domestic heating oil will quickly soak into the soil and make its way into nearby structures including the house itself. Often the oil spill is undetected until the oil plume has impacted the dwelling house or outbuildings making clean up much more complicated. The good news is that your loss assessor will normally be able to direct you to a reputable oil clean up specialist who can advise on the extent of the problem and outline a scope of works. In addition, your loss assessor will be able to organise your insurance claim and ensure that both the oil remediation and builders work get the proper focus as part of your insurance claim. Premium Claims Consultants provide a specialist oil spill service and will carry out an initial inspection free of charge and will arrange for oil spill specialists to carry out a survey to survey to establish the extent of the spill.

An oil leak insurance claim, known as an escape of oil insurance claim can also arise when an oil leak occurs on your neighbours property and spreads to yours.

oil leak insurance claim

Oil Leak Insurance Claim

Premium Claims Consultants can be contacted on 061 311266 or and we are happy to assist with your claim for an escape  of oil or for an oil spill.


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