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What is a Loss Assessor?

Your Loss Assessor plays a crucial role in the claims process for you the policyholder. Loss Assessors are the principal advisers and representatives of the policyholder when dealing with property damage claims. They always advocate for you the policyholder and never...

Froze Pipes Burst Pipes

Frozen Pipes, Burst Pipes, Leaking Water Tanks Frozen and burst pipes will cause significant damage to your property, resulting in damage and expensive repairs. When water pipes freeze it expands, putting immense pressure on pipes, often leading to bursts. This can...


Underinsurance there just isn’t enough cover. A common reason why people sometimes don’t get the full value of their insurance claim is that they have not insured their property for the correct amount. Most policies today contain an underinsurance clause or an...

Insurance Assessor Limerick Office

Insurance Assessor Limerick Office at Old Windmill Court, Office Suites, Lower Gerald Griffin, Street Limerick. A Limerick Insurance Assessor for quality advice  (otherwise known as Loss Assessor)  can be found at Premium Claims Consultants Limerick Office. We are...

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