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Escape of Water Claims

When water unexpectedly leaks from within your home, causing damage it’s called an escape of water when dealing with your claim. This isn’t about floods from outside sources like rivers or heavy rain, but rather water escaping from your own plumbing or appliances....

Escape of Oil

An escape of oil is when oil leaks from equipment such as domestic or commercial oil fuelled central heating systems or pipes or storage tanks. Oil released into the environment from this type of leak can cause significant damage to buildings, outbuildings, patios...

Escape of Oil

Domestic oil leaks are often a hidden hazard for the homeowner and can cause damage that may not become apparent  for some time after the initial oil leak. Oil leaks from split oil tanks, a leaking oil burner or oil line are more common than you might think and often...

Winter Precautions

With winter approaching again it’s timely to remind ourselves take the normal precautions to prevent damage to our homes and contents. While most of us have the appropriate insurance cover it is still a good idea to try and avoid damage where possible. Here are a few...

Hurricane Ophelia

Storm Ophelia Insurance Claims Premium Claims Consultants are available now and throughout  the coming days to deal with all storm damage claims following hurricane Ophelia. With the unprecedented weather conditions and property damage that will inevitably  arise we...

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