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Claims Assessor

Claims Assessor/Property Claims Assessor:

  • A Claims Assessor when dealing with Property Insurance Claims is normally appointed by the policyholder to manage the claim on their behalf while this is always the case for a Loss Assessor.
  • They will normally work on behalf of the policyholder and not the Insurance Company. However, in some contexts the term  can refer to somebody appointed by the Insurance Company. In the case of Motor Vehicle Claims the phrase Motor Assessor is used. It is better to clarify with the person involved at the outset.
  • However normally the phrase is interchangeable with Loss Assessor or Property Claim Assessor.

    Claims Assessors can deal with the following types of claims:

    • Making a water damage Insurance Claim.
    • Making a Fire Damage Insurance Claim.
    • Storm Damage Insurance Claim.
    • Burst Pipes Insurance Claim.
    • Smoke Damage Insurance Claim.
    • Handling Third party property damage to your property, for example if a vehicle causes impact damage to your building.

Many of the phrases used to describe the various roles involved in dealing with claims add to the confusion but the following post may help clarify some of the confusion.

Insurance Assessor, Loss Assessor, Claims Assessor, What is the difference?

The terms Loss Assessor (acting for the policyholder or the public)  and Loss Adjuster(acting for the Insurance Company) are the correct terms and should be used where possible however the other phrases mentioned are in common usage and it is important that they are explained.   In a later post I will deal with Loss Assessors and Loss Adjusters and attempt to clarify the roles. However, if you are engaging anyone to deal with a claim on your behalf it is important to check that they are registered with the Central Bank of Ireland as all Loss Assessors are required to be registered.



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