Claims Helpline 061 311266 or 087 2504664
Premium Claims Consultants are a leading firm of Insurance Claims Consultants and Loss Assessors based in Limerick and working in Limerick, Clare, Kerry, Tipperary, Galway and throughout the mid-West and West of Ireland. We provide a professional, independent Claims Assessment and Insurance Claims Consultancy Service to our clients and will take the stress out of handling your insurance claim.
If you suffer damage or loss to your property, buildings, contents, fixtures and fittings or stock contact us immediately and we will take care of the rest.
At Premium Claims Consultants we take pride in our ability to assist clients with property damage claims including claims for resultant loss of rent or loss of profits resulting from the damage. Our loss assessors deal with all types of insurance claims on your behalf including:
- Fire Damage
- Storm Damage
- Flood Damage
- Chimney Fire damage
- Smoke Damage
- Escape of Oil
- Escape of Water
- Burglary
If you should suffer a loss whether it’s due to fire, flood, escape of water burglary, accidental damage or any other insured peril we will assist you to process the insurance claim for you from start to finish and we will remove any of the stress involved with dealing with the insurance company. We will also ensure that your claim is properly dealt with and you are fully compensated for the loss within the terms of your policy.