Help with insurance claim
Depending on the type of insurance claim you wish to make there is help available from many different types of professionals.
As a firm of Loss Assessors Premium Claims Consultants provide assistance to the public in all types of property insurance claims and deal with all types of damage to the building and contents. In the case of rented properties there may also be a loss of rent element to the insurance claim and in the case of commercial property insurance claims there may be a business interruption element to the insurance claim. Premium Claims Consultants provide you with the help and expertise which you need with all aspects of the insurance claim.
Many people will contact their insurance company as the first port of call when they have a fire or another incident giving rise to an insurance claim in search of help with their insurance claim. However you must keep in mind that the insurance company will see the claim as a cost and like us all will work hard to minimise their costs. As insurance claims are the biggest cost that an insurance company will have, all insurance companies pay particular attention to reducing the cost of each and every claim.
Your Insurance Company Loss Adjuster.
In dealing with your insurance claim your insurance company will assign the handling of your claim to staff who are specially trained to settle your insurance claim at minimum cost to the insurance company or appoint external loss adjusters who are paid by the insurance company and selected on their track record of reducing the claims cost to insurers.
Given the procedures operated by insurance companies it is essential that you get help with an insurance claim from qualified professionals who will help you to get the optimum settlement to your insurance claim
The first port of call when seeking professional help with your insurance claim is known as a Loss Assessor or Insurance Claims Consultant or sometimes as a Public Loss Adjuster.
Loss Assessors are also known as Insurance Claims Consultants.
It is very important that when you are seeking advice on your insurance claim that you are clear on who you are discussing your claim with as the titles given to the people who act for the insurance company (Loss Adjuster) is very similar to the title given to people who help the customer or policyholder with an insurance claim (Loss Assessors or Insurance Claims Consultants or Public Loss Adjuster).
Often if you are unsure ask the person who they have been appointed by and who pays their fee. The person appointed by the insurance company with to help them with an insurance claim will be paid by the insurance company. The person you appoint to help with an insurance claim will look after your interest and be paid by you.
It is very much in your interest to seek help with your insurance claim at as early a stage as possible. Your Loss Assessor will guide you through the process from start to finish and will deal with all communication with the insurance company including reporting the claim and negotiating the settlement.
Insurance Company
Your insurance company will provide useful advice for example on how much you are covered for and what sections of the policy is operative. If you have a claim and cannot find the policy documents your insurance company will provide a copy of your insurance policy.
Your policy will have conditions which will require that a claim be reported to insurers within a specific time frame. If your Loss Assessor is providing help with your insurance claim he will report the claim to your insurance company on your behalf. If you have not yet engaged a loss assessor to help with the insurance claim you should contact your insurance company to report the claim within the time frame required by your insurance policy.
It is important to remember in your interactions with your insurance company that while the insurance company will be helpful and courteous in the event that you have an insurance claim, like every other business they will wish to minimise their costs and your insurance claim will be viewed as a cost which the insurance company will seek to avoid paying or reduce as much as possible.
Other Sources of help with an insurance claim.
Your builder or plumber may provide useful insurance claim help by providing reports on specific aspects of the claim for example by identifying the source of a water leak.
With large claims you may decide to employ a quantity surveyor to help with your insurance claim. His function is provide a bill of quantities to your loss assessor. However in the vast majority of cases this will not be required as your loss assessor will prepare the figures for the claim. In any case your Loss Assessor will advise if other experts are needed to help with the claim.
Should you have any emergency work done in the aftermath of a fire, storm, water leak or other event giving rise to a possible insurance claim it may be useful to get the person carrying out the work to provide a report as insurers may request same.
Solicitors are normally engaged to help with personal injury claims and don’t normally have a role in property insurance claims. However if your solicitor is required to help with your insurance claim your loss assessor will advise.
To summarise help with your insurance claim is available from many sources but the first port of call is your loss assessor who will advise if further help is required with your insurance claim.